When visiting this winery, the first thing you see is the unification of modern technology and traditional elements. Some things coexist well, such as the glass painting and the building which fulfils modern requirements while an old cart is standing next to it. All these coincide with the reason for the name selection, as Vinidi was a collective noun given to Slavs in the Germanic language area, long before the Samo Empire. It has nothing to do with wine, but rather pays tribute to previous oenologists, vineyards and the current terroir. The winery, founded in 2008, farms 50 hectares within two Slovakian wine regions (Nitra and Strekov), from which they produce wine from 17 different grape varieties. In the prime locations, the dominant types of soil are loess and brown forest soil, and the wines gain nice minerality due to the soil rich in calcium. Yield per vine is limited to 1.5 kilograms, which also helps them to focus on creating quality products. This is also important for them as they see the possibility for development both within the Slovakian and the international markets - “everyone wants to buy a Mercedes, and that’s also true for wines”. All the steps of the processing and the wine-making are optimised; steel tanks can be both refrigerated and heated. The whole process is computerised and automated, and can be controlled using a central control panel. The ageing of red wines takes place in two separate parts of the cellar. Classic Bordeaux-style oak barrels play a role during the ageing process, together with large wooden barrels, which are used for preserving the fresh grapes aromas without adding too many toasty notes. There is also an exclusive tasting room in the cellar, where you can taste the various wines while sitting on a comfortable leather sofa with a fire flickering in the fireplace. If you are hungry, the building houses a restaurant with seating space for 60-90 people. As far as accessibility is concerned, there is no such other winery, as perhaps a bit of an exaggeration - they have an own exit from the motorway, which of courses makes it significantly easier to accomodate large groups, too.

Vinidi Winery
The winery, founded in 2008, farms 50 hectares within two Slovakian wine regions (Nitra and Strekov), from which they produce wine from 17 different grape varieties.
VINIDI s.r.o.
Address: Alexandrov dvor 444
951 34 Báb, Slovakia
Phone: +421 692 023 247
E-mail: vinoteka@vinidi.sk
Web: www.vinidi.sk